How to Keep Fleas From Biting Me at Night: Get Restful Sleep Now
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Before getting into how to get fleas off of you while you sleep, it is important to make sure that you are actually dealing with this kind of pest. If you are instead dealing with another itchy bite, like one from a bed bug or a mosquito, the plan of action going forward might be different.
So, if you're suffering unbearable itchiness at night and can't stop wondering, "How to keep fleas from biting me at night," here's what to look for and what to do about it:
How to Know if Your Pet Has Fleas
There are a few major warning signs to look for when it comes to a flea infestation. Know that having a furry friend can increase the chances of these insects calling your house their home. Fleas will happily feast on whatever mammal they can sink their teeth into, but furry pets are some of their preferred targets.
Fleas target pets because the pests can hide inside dogs' and cats' fur. This creates a hospitable environment for the fleas, all while living on their main food source.
If you have one or more pets, keep an eye out for several warning signs.
Here are some common indicators of fleas in pets to look out for:
- Patches of fur around the house
- Your pet has “random” hairless patches
- Excessive scratching/grooming
- Red bumps
- Scabs
- Dry skin
Besides the tell-tale signs you're already on the lookout for, like your pet turning into a scratch DJ on their fur or finding those tiny fur tumbleweeds around the house, there's another layer to this. It's super important to treat your pets if you even suspect they're hosting a flea circus. Not only does this give your furry friends some much-needed relief, but it's also your first line of defense in keeping those fleas from thinking your ankles are an all-you-can-eat buffet at night.
Regular flea treatments, whether it's a monthly spot-on, oral medication, or a good old-fashioned flea collar, can make a world of difference. It's like setting up a no-flea zone around your pet, which by extension, protects the rest of your household.
How to Know if Fleas Are Biting You or Your Kids
Unlike our pets, our kids can (and will) tell us when they feel itchy. This takes out a lot of the guesswork and hopefully means that we can sort out the problem sooner rather than later. Still, you have to determine if the problem results from an insect bite (and if so, which), a sting, an allergy, or another kind of rash. Keep in mind that kids are especially prone to bug bite allergies — a two-for-one deal that no one likes.

When it comes to figuring out if those itchy welts are from fleas, a bit of detective work can help.
If fleas are targeting your family, there are some distinct signs that set these bites apart. First, you will notice that the bites become itchy shortly after initial contact, sooner than a mosquito bite would. Next, you are likely to find these bites around the lower legs, feet, and ankles. Fleas target these spots in particular because they are easy to jump to, and they are often exposed.
Flea bites have a bit of a signature look, often showing up as tiny, red bumps that are insanely itchy, usually in clusters or lines, and yes, they love to target your legs and feet. But here's the kicker: distinguishing them from other party crashers like mosquitoes or bed bugs is key.
Mosquito bites tend to be more randomly placed and can swell up more. Bed bug bites? They're all about the breakfast, lunch, and dinner pattern – a line of bites that might make you think you've been used as a dot-to-dot puzzle. Knowing what's munching on you can help you tailor your battle plan more effectively.
Lastly, a discolored ring might appear around the small, slightly raised red spot.
If your family displays one or more of these indicators, it is entirely possible that you have fleas on your hands (or your legs).
Why Do Fleas Bite Us in Our Sleep?
Mattresses provide a cozy oasis for us humans at the end of a long day or even during a midday nap (when we are lucky enough to get one). We aren't above snoozing on the couch, but a nap on a bed is a different level of luxury. Unfortunately, we are not the only ones who recognize the comfort of a mattress.
Fleas also like to spend time on mattresses and other upholstered surfaces. From there, they can easily leap onto hosts, whether they are humans or animals. Since we are asleep during this time, there is also no way for us to unconsciously fight back or swat at them.
For our kids who sleep in onesies, we have some good news: First of all, you are adorable, and you totally rock that look. Second of all, those of us who have our whole bodies covered are in much better shape to protect against flea bites.
Fleas are so small that they can't bite through clothing. For those of us who go to sleep in anything less than a onesie or colonial woman garb, this can make for a rude awakening.
Preparing Your Sleeping Area
Making your sleeping area a no-go zone for fleas involves a bit of prep work, but it's totally worth it. Think about investing in flea-repellent bedding or adding a protective cover that fleas can't penetrate to your mattress and pillows. Keeping your bedroom clean is also key – regular vacuuming can suck up any fleas or eggs hanging around, and washing your bedding in hot water can help kill off any stragglers. It's all about making your bed a fortress that fleas just can't breach.
Personal Preventative Measures
Before you head off to sleep, consider some personal flea repellents. There are natural ones out there, like blends of essential oil for fleas (think peppermint, lavender, and cedarwood) that discourage fleas from seeing you as their next meal.
Spray a tiny bit on your pajamas or around your bed for extra protection. Speaking of pajamas, opting for more coverage can be a good move. Those fleas can't bite what they can't reach, so wearing socks and long sleeves might not be the most fashionable bedtime look, but it's definitely a functional one.
Environmental Control Measures
Taking control of your environment is key in the battle against fleas. Regular vacuuming is your best friend here, as it can suck up fleas at all stages of their life cycle, from egg to adult. Pay special attention to carpets, upholstery, and anywhere your pets like to hang out. Flea traps, like the soapy water bowl, can be placed in strategic locations around your home to catch these jumpers in action.
Treating your home with natural flea control products can also make a big difference. Non-toxic flea sprays can be applied to carpets, furniture, and pet bedding to kill fleas without putting your family or pets at risk. Remember, consistency is key. Regularly washing pet bedding and your bedding in hot water can help eliminate any fleas and eggs lurking around.
When to Seek Professional Help
Sometimes, despite your best efforts, fleas just keep coming back with a vengeance. If you find yourself in the midst of a severe infestation that home remedies just can't handle, it might be time to call in the pros.
Professional pest control services have the tools and expertise to tackle large-scale flea problems effectively. They can treat your home with advanced methods that are safe for your family and pets but lethal for fleas. If you're noticing fleas are not just a nuisance but a constant problem, or if your pets are suffering despite your best efforts, reaching out to a pest control expert can provide the relief you and your furry friends need.
How to Repel Fleas While You Are Asleep

At this point, we understand fleas. So, how can we get them to buzz off?
Fleas don't have wings, so we are purely speaking in the metaphorical sense. Luckily, there are some natural ways to keep fleas away while sleeping.
Create a Natural Flea Trap
Avoiding harsh chemicals is a goal that many of us dream about. Going chemical-free is especially worthwhile when considering both our kids and our pets. It's no secret that we don't like DEET on people, but it's also a huge danger to our precious pups.
Being exposed to these chemicals is bad enough for adults, but it can pose serious risks. This has led many to pursue more natural methods of dealing with fleas.
These methods are safe for humans and pets alike; they're just definitely not safe for fleas. Isn't that kind of the whole point?
Put Out a Bowl of Soapy Water
This should surprise no one, but fleas are tiny. If you needed more proof, they average between .039 and .13 inches in length. For such little creatures, fleas can be a huge pain (or itch).
Since they are so small and agile, they are actually capable of jumping off of water's surface. No use trying to make them walk the plank; we'll just look like fools when they Peter Pan and jump away.
Instead, we have to get a little more crafty to sink these pests once and for all. We have to add an agent to prevent them from jumping off of the water without issue: This is where dish soap comes in.
Choose a shallow bowl that you don't mind making into a flea graveyard. Your kids might not want to eat ice cream out of it after it has seen such carnage. Actually, this bowl might just be better off as the designated flea bowl from now on.
Then, fill it most of the way with water. Lastly, put a few drops of dish or liquid soap into the water. It should be enough to largely cover the surface since this is what will trap the fleas.
Point a Lamp at the Bowl
Like many other bugs, fleas are attracted to sources of light. A lamp pointed a few inches from the bowl filled with soapy water should trigger their instincts, encouraging them to approach.
If a lamp is not your style, you could also opt for a candle. The key here is just to have a light source nearby that will lure in the fleas.
Place It in a Room That Fleas Frequent
Of course, this solution will not do much good if the bowl and light are not near the fleas already. Although fleas are accomplished jumpers, they are unlikely to travel large distances to politely fall into your trap — yet another way that fleas make everything more difficult.
You could put the bowl of soapy water and lamp into a room where your pets like to hang out. To get them away from you while you sleep, consider placing the bowl near your bedside. This will encourage any and all fleas hanging out in your bed to get lost.
In addition to the clever trick with the bowl of soapy water and a lamp, there are more natural and DIY solutions you can whip up to keep those fleas at bay while you're off in dreamland.
Essential oils, for example, aren't just for making your home smell like a spa; they can also be flea kryptonite. Eucalyptus, tea tree, and citronella oils are not only great for setting a relaxing vibe but also double as flea repellents. Mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and give your bedding a light misting before bedtime. Just remember, if you have cats, steer clear of essential oils as they can be toxic to our feline friends.
Another simple yet effective method is to sprinkle diatomaceous earth around your bed and sleeping area. This fine powder is harmless to humans and pets but deadly to fleas, dehydrating them upon contact. Just apply it to the carpet, under the bed, and other flea-frequented spots, and vacuum it up after a few days, along with the fleas.
Feeling Cozy Again
Since bedtime is meant to be a period of total relaxation and calm, it is really distressing when it's interrupted by pesky bugs. Understandably, this can be jarring for many people, so getting to a place where you feel comfortable can take some time.
If you are spending your nights worried about little critters jumping about, you probably are not going to get the best night's sleep.
As parents, we all know how crucial a full night's rest is. After all, nothing shows you how important sleep is, like not getting any for years. We love our kids, but a few extra hours would be nice. The last thing we need between work, errands, and being our kids' personal chauffeurs is to stay up worrying about bugs.
It is one thing to have done everything we can to take care of the infestation, but it is something else entirely to get back into the normal swing of things. If you want to feel more tranquil to get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer, know that you have natural options.
Use a Natural Sleep Aid

At The Natural Patch Co., we believe that there is a natural solution for many of life's problems. Getting a full night's rest is absolutely no exception. That is where the SleepyPatch Sleep Promoting Stickers work their magic. Also, if you love the outdoors and sleeping in a tent, try our Natural Outdoor Protection.
So many sleep aids rely on harsh chemicals that leave you feeling groggy or come with a whole host of unpleasant side effects. The SleepyPatch never does that and will instead leave you feeling rejuvenated and ready for the day when you wake up. This sticker uses a special blend of essential oils to gently lull you to sleep.
Mandarin, Sweet Marjoram, Lavender, and Vetiver essential oils are all utilized to perfect effect, making sleep easy to come by. The best part? These bug bite patches work wonders for both kids and adults alike, so you and your little ones can rock matching stickers to go along with your matching pajamas.
Goodnight, Don't Let the Fleas Bite
There are a few ways to answer "How to keep fleas from biting me at night?" In case your family is already dealing with flea bites, there is a natural solution that can help you rest easy. MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches help to relieve itchiness quickly and all-naturally. Once you have an itch-free night's sleep, you'll be even more ready to get rid of these pests for good. No matter how scratchy things get, know that NatPat's Health and Wellness Patches are always there to protect.
What can I put on my body to keep fleas from biting me?
To keep fleas from turning you into their next meal, consider using natural repellents. Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, lemongrass, and cedarwood are not only pleasant for you but unpleasant for fleas. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil or water and apply it to your skin. However, always do a patch test first to check if you might have an adverse reaction.
For a more straightforward approach, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar diluted with water can also act as a flea deterrent when applied to the skin. Just remember, these are temporary measures and might need reapplication throughout the day.
How do I stop getting bitten by fleas at night?
How to keep fleas from biting me at night, you may still wonder. To prevent flea bites at night, make your sleeping area less inviting to these pests. Use a fine-mesh mosquito net around your bed to physically block fleas from reaching you. Wash your bedding regularly in hot water to kill any fleas or eggs. Applying natural flea repellents, like those made from essential oils, to your body before bed can also help.
Additionally, consider placing a flea trap (like a bowl of soapy water with a light source nearby) in your room to catch fleas overnight. And don't forget to have an itch patch around, just in case. You can never be too prepared.
What smells do fleas hate?
Fleas are repelled by strong, pungent smells, especially those from essential oils. They particularly dislike the aroma of citrus (like lemon and orange), peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, and cedarwood. Using these scents in your home, whether through diffusers, sprays, or directly applying diluted oils to your pet's bedding (with caution and vet advice for pets), can help keep fleas at bay. Remember, essential oils should be used carefully, especially around pets, as some can be toxic to animals.
Does Vicks repel fleas on humans?
Vicks VapoRub, with a strong scent due to ingredients like eucalyptus oil, menthol, and camphor, can act as a mild flea repellent for humans. The pungent smell is off-putting to fleas and may help keep them at a distance. However, it's not a foolproof or long-term solution for flea infestations. Vicks can be applied to your ankles, legs, and other exposed areas before sleeping to provide some protection against flea bites. Just be mindful of its strong scent and potential skin sensitivity issues.