Best Tips on How To Get Rid of Mosquitoes
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Mosquitoes are gross. At best, we only have to deal with their incessant buzzing in our ears while we’re outside. At worst, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) advises that some mosquito populations can carry diseases like West Nile virus, Yellow Fever, Zika virus, and more.
Most often, a mosquito bite promises an itchy and uncomfortable few days, and we’d probably rather avoid that if we can. On the other hand, we shouldn’t have to compromise by using a bunch of harsh chemicals to do it.
Here are our tips on naturally getting rid of (and avoiding) mosquitoes so that you and your family can be itch-free.
Use a Natural Mosquito Repellent
At The Natural Patch Co., we’re all about finding natural ways to help solve our problems. Mosquito control is one of those problems, and we’re happy to offer an insect repellent that will have adult mosquitoes buzzing off.
When you’re trying to avoid mosquito bites, it’s only the adult female mosquitoes that you have to be worried about. Male mosquitoes and mosquito larvae leave us alone — just how we like it. Meanwhile, annoying female mosquitoes suck our blood to use as fuel when they lay eggs.
If we prevent these insects from biting us at the adult stage of their life cycle so that they can never get to us in the first place, we can put a real dent in mosquito breeding (and just have a nicer, itch-free day).
BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Patches
We saw those chemical-heavy, bad-smelling repellent sprays on the market and knew that we could do better. Instead of lugging around an inconvenient spray bottle, pest control becomes much more accessible with our BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Patches.
Featuring a delightful and effective citronella oil blend, these easy-to-wear stickers can be used by children and adults alike.
We never go out without bug repellent at our disposal (not to mention, sometimes it’s needed indoors). Unfortunately, traditional bug spray just doesn't cut it. Thankfully, we’ve got our stickers at the ready.
How To Get Rid of Mosquito Bites
If mosquitoes have already done their worst, it’s time to find a way to manage the discomfort and help the bites heal naturally.
At first glance, many of these methods seem to contain an abundance of harsh chemicals that we would rather keep away from our kids (and ourselves, for that matter). But luckily, effective chemical-free options will help family members of all ages to feel better fast.
Do Not Scratch
Chances are good that most of us are already aware of the seemingly counterintuitive fact that we shouldn’t scratch a mosquito bite. If something is itchy, that’s your body telling you that there’s a potential irritant we need to deal with — but itching isn’t the way to do it.
Although itching a bug bite might provide temporary relief, the many downsides of scratching significantly outweigh momentary bliss. Scratching only serves to irritate the bug bite and the surrounding space even further. This makes the itchiness more severe in the long run.
Prolonged scratching at the area can also lead to a break in the skin, which allows the bacterium to find its way in, possibly leading to an infection. We can understand this concept and keep our scratching to a minimum (mostly). Unfortunately, that might not always be the case for our kids.
It is notoriously difficult — if not impossible — to explain the concept of delayed gratification to our children. They think that if they’re itchy, they should scratch, and it’s as simple as that. Until our kids are old enough to understand the importance of leaving the spot alone, we have to resort to other methods of reducing the itchiness.
MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches
Rather than using the chemical options on the market, The Natural Patch Co. offers an innovative technology that leaves these harsh substances where they belong — far, far away from us.
Our MagicPatch Itch Relief Patches use the powers Grid-Relief technology to naturally drain the lymphatic system, helping to make itchiness a thing of the past.
Simply stick a patch over the bug bite shortly after it appears, and allow it to work its magic. These stickers work for both kids and adults, so feel free to have the whole family match.
Stay Away From Standing Water
Mosquitoes feel the most at home when they are around stagnant bodies of water since that’s where they usually lay their eggs. That’s why lakes, pools, birdbaths, puddles, flower pots, saucers, and any other surface that could be filled with water pose a threat.
Stay away from these areas if at all possible. If you need to use items filled with water, you would be best off getting the water at a time when the mosquitoes are less active.
Even slightly reducing your water exposure can help a ton in the fight to show mosquitoes who’s boss.
Use Essential Oils
You can also use a diluted version of certain essential oils to ward off these obnoxious pests. Oils like lemongrass, peppermint, and oil of lemon eucalyptus can all be helpful as you try to protect your family.
Citronella Candles
One of the most effective and soothing methods of naturally repelling mosquitoes comes in the form of a citronella candle.
Citronella has such prominent mosquito fighting powers that we knew we had to use it in our BuzzPatch Mosquito Repellent Patches. You can increase citronella’s power by putting a few candles around you and your family, too.
These candles not only help significantly in terms of keeping mosquitoes at bay, but they can also be wonderful for creating a little ambiance.
If you plan to stay outside during dusk or at night when mosquitoes are especially active, the candles can add a little pizzazz to your summer night.
Embrace Plants That Repel Mosquitoes
If essential oils aren’t your preferred method of natural mosquito prevention, you can look to some plants you might already have in your garden.
Just a few of these helpful, mosquito-repelling plants include:
- Marigolds
- Catnip
- Rosemary
- Lavender
Plus, plenty of these plants are pretty to look at — making them a wonderful addition to your backyard.
Set Natural Mosquito Traps
Other than repelling mosquitoes away from you, you can also attract them to traps that will spell their doom. Even better, some might want to construct all-natural pest traps at home.
These DIY traps tend to fall into a few different categories:
- Traps that cause mosquitoes to drown
- Traps that include mesh and a fan
With ingredients like dish soap, vinegar, baking soda, brown sugar, and yeast, you can create an environment that attracts mosquitoes. Once they find their way into the trap, they cannot escape.
This might seem like a harsh way to kill mosquitoes, but it’s hard to feel any sympathy for these pests when the alternative is multiple days of discomfort for you and your family, or worse. And, hey — at least it isn’t a zapper.
How To Keep Mosquitoes Out of Our Homes
It’s difficult enough to deal with these pesky bloodsuckers in the great outdoors, but it can feel much more personal (and claustrophobic) if they enter our homes.
When we are outside, we can at least understand that there’s a bit of inherent risk in being in nature. Our houses, however, are meant to be safe havens where our families can relax in peace.
The best way to get rid of any mosquitoes currently making your house into a home is to never let them get inside in the first place. This is a helpful piece of advice if you’re looking for a way to be proactive about mosquitoes before they become an issue.
If you are already dealing with a house full of mosquitoes, there are still many actions that you can take to rectify the problem.
Only Open Windows With Screens
Mosquitoes are the most active during the summer, although the severity of the infestation can vary from year to year. Like humans, these obnoxious insects also enjoy the warm weather and find this the ideal time of year to enjoy the outdoors.
Since it is so warm, many of us will resort to opening a window or two for a natural, air conditioning-free reprieve from the heat. Maybe we even just crave a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stuffy room. Unfortunately, leaving a window open without the proper protection can lead to mosquitoes (and a whole host of other bugs) getting inside.
Check that the screens on your windows are current and sturdy. If you notice any clear holes, you won’t have adequate protection against bugs. You should also ensure that the screen mesh is small enough that mosquitoes can’t just weasel their way through anyway.
If you aren’t able to put screens on your windows — or if the netting is too large — it might be best to opt for a fan instead. If you must open a window, keep an eye out for any bugs that might fly in, and try to do so at times of day when they’re less active.
Keep Doors Closed
Thankfully, there aren’t as many of us who are about to leave our doors wide open just to get a nice breeze going. This means opening our doors is less of an issue when it comes to introducing a mosquito problem into our home. Still, even leaving your door open for a moment can let insects in because it’s such a large open space.
The only real way to combat this issue is to leave your door open for as short a period as possible and only open it slightly. If you leave the door open with no protection for a prolonged time, bugs are basically guaranteed.
If you do want to leave your door open for a bit, there are a few ways you can mitigate the risk of letting in countless bugs. If you are enjoying an outdoor gathering with friends or want some more light to fill your space, don’t panic!
You can get a door covering with netting or a screen to help solve this issue. Either of these options will provide you with more protection than you would have had otherwise, and your family will thank you.
Repair Any Holes
Before the summer gets started in earnest, it’s always wise to check the perimeter of your home. Do you notice any spots that need to be reinforced? Are there any areas where bugs could get in?
Even if you don’t notice these holes at the moment, keep an eye out throughout the season for areas where there’s a suspiciously high concentration of bugs.
Clean Out Your Gutters
Mosquitoes find few things homier than stagnant water. The longer the water is out in the open and unmoving, the happier the mosquitoes will be. And if there’s one thing we never want, it’s a happy mosquito.
Our gutters can accumulate a significant amount of water, especially when leaves and other debris get trapped in them. To mitigate this, you should clean out your gutters roughly twice yearly.
If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, you can also hire someone to do it. The only thing that matters is that your gutters are free, so mosquitoes will not be tempted to buzz around your home.
Say “Ta-Ta” to Mosquitoes
It’s always better to go for natural forms of mosquito prevention rather than possibly dangerous chemical pesticides or insecticides (looking at you, DEET and Picaridin). With a little creativity, you can create ways of keeping mosquitoes away that are totally natural.
Mosquito-Borne Diseases | NIOSH | CDC
Types of Essential Oils To Repel Mosquitoes | WebMD
How to make your own DIY traps for mosquitoes, hornets and other flying pests | CNET

Mosquito Patches for Kids
A scientifically formulated and tested blend of highly effective, all natural essential oils that have been used for hundreds of years by indigenous communities to repel mosquitos.
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