Standing Water: Mosquitoes Breeding Grounds
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If you’re anything like us, you look forward to the warm sunny season the moment it ends. From cookouts to block parties and pool days to backyard fun — what’s not to like about the summertime? We’ll tell you, mosquitoes.
While mosquitoes can be found snacking on flesh year-round, the buzzing pests are most common in the summer. Why? Because they thrive in warm and humid weather. In fact, when it gets a little too cold for the persnickety insects, some of them will hibernate, only to come out of hiding when the weather warms up again.
In addition to the warm summery weather, mosquitos love the sunny season due to all of the rain it brings. Now, to be clear, the little vampires aren’t particularly attracted to the actual rainfall but instead to what the rain leaves behind. What do rainstorms leave behind, you ask?
Standing water.
Now, before you start to envision cute little mosquitoes splashing in puddles following a heavy downpour, we’re going to stop you right there because that’s definitely not what they’re doing, nope. You see, standing water draws in these flying nuisances because that’s where they lay eggs — you know, to make more bloodsucking pests.
We know, gross. But don’t worry — now that you know where the icky bugs breed, you can try to reduce the skeeter population around your yard by simply eliminating standing water!
Interested in learning more? We can help.
Read on as we explore the world of mosquitoes to uncover their favorite breeding hotspots and what you can do to keep them at bay.
But First, Why Is It So Important To Protect Yourself From Mozzies Anyway?
We wouldn’t blame you for thinking that the itty-bitty winged beasts are relatively harmless. After all, they are pretty easy to squash, often succumbing to a single flick from a finger. But don’t let these dainty bugs fool you: mosquitoes are the world’s most dangerous animal.
More dangerous than hungry sharks, starving bears, and vindictive jellyfish: Mosquitoes are the biggest threat on the planet.
Now, just to be crystal-clear, mosquitoes don’t grow man-eating fangs or have the ability to rip their prey into shreds. The way these stealthy little suckers kill is by transmitting life-threatening illnesses to their victims, contributing to more than one million deaths each year.
But, that’s not all: while these bloodthirsty monsters can carry diseases that afflict humans, they can also transmit many harmful parasites to our beloved furbabies.
Some of the deadly illnesses that mosquitoes carry include:
- West Nile virus
- Dengue fever
- Yellow fever
- Malaria
- Chikungunya
- Zika virus
- Heartworm (animals)
An Itch To Scratch
In addition to mosquito-borne illnesses, when a hungry skeeter is done feasting, they often leave behind red welts that can itch for days. And as parents, we know firsthand what this means for kids — they simply can’t handle the itch day or night.
What’s worse, some little ones develop a painful allergic reaction to the bite that can cause the area to swell up. This could leave those little troopers in some icky pain. Thank goodness for MagicPatch.
While many products on the market claim to help with itchy bites, our Itch Relief Patches are truly one-of-a-kind. Our innovative grid-relief technology gently adjusts the skin to help the lymphatic system naturally drain the itch-inducing saliva injected by mosquitoes.
And the best part? MagicPatch is super simple to use — simply rip off a relief sticker and apply it to the itchy bite. Your kiddo should feel a whole lot better in as little as 60 seconds.
Mosquitoes And Standing Water: What You Need To Know
Now that you understand why it’s so important to protect yourself and your loved ones from itchy skeeter bites, let’s talk about mosquito breeding grounds, shall we?
Mosquitoes can breed anywhere that has standing water — as long as there’s an inch or more of the wet stuff, the little suckers will happily lay their eggs.
When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the organic debris in the water. After about two weeks, they mature into adult mosquitoes. An iconic summer pest and Mother Nature’s biggest pesky pest, this new generation of mosquitoes will then repeat the cycle, laying more eggs to create even more buzzy fliers.
Where Do Mozzies Like To Breed?
Skeeters don’t need to be wined and dined by a candlelit dinner to reproduce. As mentioned, they really only need a small amount of water to lay eggs.
Some of the most popular breeding grounds for mosquitoes include:
- Birdbaths
- Puddles
- Flower pots
- Ponds and marshes
- Rainwater barrels
- Ditches
- Wading pools
In a nutshell, if there’s a place with standing water, it can be a mosquito breeding ground.
Mosquitoes like to spread their wings: literally. These awful bugs are known to do what is called “skip-oviposition.” This means that the female of the species lays some eggs in a variety of areas and never all her eggs in one place. It’s a perfect example of “divide and conquer.”
Want To Reduce the Skeeter Population in Your Yard?
Here are a handful of surefire ways you can create fewer hotspots for the biting bugs to breed:
- Practice good pond mosquito control. If you have a pond, consider tossing in a few mosquito-lovin’ fish. Certain types of fish can eat more than 200 mosquito larvae in as little as an hour, making them a great choice for those with ponds.
- Cover rainwater barrels. Do you collect rainwater? Keep them covered with a fine mesh fabric to prevent insects from getting through.
- Maintain your lawn. Don’t allow your grass or shrubs to grow too tall, or they will quickly become a perfect hiding spot for skeeters to lay eggs.
- Get a birdfeeder. Birds love snacking on mosquitoes — so why not invite them to your backyard for a nice meal? Get a bird feeder or two and watch your mosquito problem quickly disappear.
- Dump standing water. After a rainstorm, walk around your property to eliminate any standing water. Dump the water from empty flower pots, buckets, and any other container that could have accumulated rainwater. Remember, skeeters only need an inch of water to lay eggs, so check everything.
When In Doubt, Protect Yourself With BuzzPatch!
Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds around your property, the biting bugs can still make an appearance to feast on your flesh. But don’t worry — with our revolutionary mosquito repellent patches, you can keep the little vampires at bay, naturally.
Designed for your growing family, BuzzPatch is made using non-woven fabric patches infused with a combination of essential oils that are perfectly safe for kids. And unlike sticky topical sprays, which contain harsh chemicals like DEET or Picaridin, our all-natural patches are not only super simple to apply but are kind to the environment!
Whether you’re taking the family on a hiking trip to enjoy the great outdoors or are simply enjoying the warm weather in your backyard, don’t let mosquitoes put a damper on your fun. Perfect for all ages, BuzzPatch is the all-natural way to keep the biting bugs away.
Fighting the World's Deadliest Animal | CDC
Mosquito-Borne Diseases | AMCA
7 Aquarium and Pond Fish That Eat Mosquito Larvae But Not Tadpoles | Control Household Pests

Mosquito Patches for Kids
A scientifically formulated and tested blend of highly effective, all natural essential oils that have been used for hundreds of years by indigenous communities to repel mosquitos.
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