The Best Essential Oils for Sinus Swelling and How to Use Them
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The Best Essential Oils for Sinus Swelling and How to Use Them
It's Friday night after a hard work at work. You've kept yourself going for the last few days, but you've felt a cold coming on. Your best friend texts you, "Hang tomorrow?" But your nose has started to swell and run.
You need some relief and you need it fast. But nothing you’ve tried works. All you wanted to do was enjoy your weekend and see your friends. Well, perhaps you can. Perhaps there are effective solutions that you haven't tried yet.
In this article, we’ll explain how essential oils can be used to relieve sinus swelling. Note that we won’t be offering strict medical advice, more outline the unique benefits of alternative remedies and oils for sinus infection.
Understanding Sinus Anatomy and Function
Before we dive into details, let's first cover a few basics about your sinuses. Sinuses are cavities in your skull that help aid with airflow and mucus production in conjunction with your nasal passages. They also play a part in protecting your body from outside bacteria or viruses.
What Is Sinus Swelling and What Causes It?
As the first part of our immunological defenses, sinuses often swell when bacteria or viruses enter the body. They attack the membrane that surround your nasal cavities causing the sinuses to become inflamed and mucus production to go into overdrive.
In response, your body instinctively sends white blood cells to where the bacteria or viruses infiltrate, and thus your sinuses become inflamed and uncomfortable. So when you’re experiencing cranial pressure, a runny nose, impeded airways, and headaches, it’s your body’s response to the invasive bacteria and virus.
The Role of Aromatherapy in Sinus Care
Many people rely on aromatherapy remedies when sick. Aromatherapy is a healing method based around what you inhale through your nose. While aromatherapy often feels great for a short period, you have to educate yourself on the longer term effects. If you slow down the body’s protective system, you could exacerbate your symptoms. However, there are plenty of healthy solutions to ease severe cold and flu symptoms.
9 Essential Oils for Sinus Swelling
Here are some of the most helpful essential oils to use when trying to mitigate severe sinus congestion symptoms. Whether through inhalation methods or infused with hot water, these oils for sinus infection are sure to provide some much-needed relief.
1. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus oil contains the chemical compound cineole, which can relieve sinus pressure. Many people use eucalyptus oil in steam baths to free up the airways and clear congestion.
However, this treatment can cause rash or heartburn. If you’re sensitive to either of these conditions, proceed with the utmost caution.
2. Tea Tree
Tea tree oil contains alpha-sabine, a chemical compound with antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. As such, the carrier oil doesn’t just relieve the symptoms of a stuffy and runny nose, but it actually helps to aid your immune system in fighting off viruses.
Tea tree oil is most often used in diffusers, allowing the oil to assimilate into the air for increased effectiveness.
3. Oregano
Like tea tree oil, oregano oil also can prevent the growth of bacteria. By using this oil, the chemical carvacrol can inhibit bacteria from spreading and ease the congestion and swelling in your sinuses.
4. Clove
Clove is a potential analgesic and antimicrobial. When mixed with hot water and inhaled, its aroma provides relief for nasal congestion.
It also has the benefit of aiding the body in its fight against microbes.
5. Peppermint
Peppermint oil is one of the more popular oils to use when sinuses are congested. It smells great and provides a cool sensation that seemingly unblocks your airwaves. However, the menthol compound in peppermint oil, only gives the perception of clear airways because of the cool feeling it provides. In reality, peppermint oil only serves as a temporary remedy to sinus congestion, and has been known to worsen symptoms.
6. Lemon
Lemon oil is known for its anti-inflammatory effects. Inhaling lemon vapors can often reduce pain and swelling in the sinuses.
In addition, the citrus aroma has a rejuvenating effect, giving you more energy. For the most effective results, put it in a hot cup of tea, which simultaneously allows you to inhale healthy vapors and enjoy a calming drink.
7. Rosemary
Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants that help manage your metabolic system. Antioxidants can help relieve symptoms of swelling, as well as encouraging your body to work harder to fight off viruses and bacteria.
8. Lavender
Lavender is often known to reduce pain and swelling caused by sinus infection. In addition, lavender had a calming effect that might help you sleep through the night.
While lavender has these positive effects, it’s not proven to help kill viruses or bacteria. That said, it’s worth a try as it may help you sleep better.
9. Frankincense
Frankincense contains boswellic acids which produce an anti-inflammatory effect when inhaled. This is a great way to ease nasal congestion.
How to Use Essential Oils
There are many different ways to use essential oils:
- With a diffuser
- Diluted in water and boiled to create steam
- In a hot bath or hot shower
- In tea, if you have the natural product (for example, Lemon or mint)
Precautions and Safety Measures
While essential oils can be a great natural way to aid sinus relief, there are also many different things to watch out for. These include, but aren’t not limited to:
- Allergic reactions. Look for rashes or a worsening of symptoms
- Direct contact with skin or eyes, can cause pain or rash
- Do not eat or drink essential or carrier oils
As always, proceed with caution when trying something for the first time. Be sure to avoid the common pitfalls and enjoy the full potential of essential oils.
Alternative Treatments and Additional Remedies
If essential oils don't work for you, there are always other methods of healing:
- Neti-Pot/Saline Rinse
- Hydration
- Healthy eating
- Nasal Sprays
- Steam Inhalation
Embrace Nature's Relief for Your Sinuses
It’s always wise to explore different avenues of healing. However, if you want a natural and organic method, rather than resorting to over-the-counter medications that just hide the pain and often prolong sickness, try using essential oils. Free up your nasal passages and ensure a swift recovery. This way, you’ll never have to miss a weekend with your friends again.
What essential oil helps nasal swelling?
When looking for essential oils that reduce nasal swelling, opt for those with anti-inflammatory properties. A few good options are: lemon oil, frankincense, and lavender oil.
How do I reduce swelling in my sinuses?
To reduce swelling, you need to reduce excess blood flow to your sinuses. This requires calming chemicals often found in essential oils like frankincense, lemon, and lavender. Other options like sinus massages, rest, and hydration will also help with swelling and irritation.
How do you massage your sinuses to reduce swelling?
If you decide to massage your sinuses to reduce swelling, be careful not to overwork your sinuses and further irritate the issue. Use a warm rag to slowly massage around the bridge of your nose and your temples.
Does eucalyptus oil help sinus inflammation?
Yes, eucalyptus oil can help reduce sinus inflammation. The eucalyptus oil naturally battles the bacteria and reduces the causes of swelling.