Excellent | 2,943 Customer reviews

Natural solutions for better sleep, mood, focus and more!

Non Toxic, DEET free

Safe for kids (0+)

Designed in Australia

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Excellent | 2,943 Customer reviews

Explore NatPat Stickers

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Discover our plant-powered sticker range

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SleepyPatch for Kids

Sleep Promoting Stickers

$12.00 each

Trusted by over 980,540 customers

SleepyPatch for Kids

Helps My asd child!! My son is 8 and struggles to fall asleep. He is autistic so I guess This can be normal. Well tried melatonin and yes it works but idk ...

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SleepyPatch for Kids

Helps My asd child!! My son is 8 and struggles to fall asleep. He is autistic so I guess This can be normal. Well tried melatonin and yes it works but ...

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SleepyPatch for Kids

I was sceptical but 4 weeks in: LIFE-CHANGING. Our 2 year old was really sporadical in his sleep, a week or so of sleeping through, and then months on ...

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ZenPatch - Mood Calming Patches

This is the third day I’ve put one on my little boy’s shirt… once i notice him getting super hyper or all over the place doing everything under the sun… ...

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ZenPatch - Mood Calming Patches

Mood calming patches. My son has been wearing them since January. They have helped him so much. Obviously he still has bad days but not like before we ...

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Mosquito Patches for Kids

Best purchase ever too bad I waited so long but now we're stocked and loyal customers. we use the buzz patches for the whole family now after buying ...

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Mosquito Patches for Kids

Works better than bug sprays! The patches worked better than expected. Bug sprays rarely work for me. I shared with other adults and we had a ...

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We're in the news... for good reasons.

We're in the news...

for good reasons.

“Like Garlic for Vampires: These Stickers Help Repel Mosquitoes. Because every kid loves stickers anyway.”

Unlocking the science behind natpat patches

At NATPAT, skepticism is a sign of care, especially when it comes to products for our loved ones. That's why we're not just about promises; we're about proving. Our mission is to blend playful innovation with solid science, offering you peace of mind with every NATPAT patch. From natural essential oils to cutting-edge slow-release technology, every detail of NATPAT patches is meticulously planned to ensure safety, avoid allergies, and deliver measurable results.

Discover the power of AromaWeave™, our pioneering bamboo-based fiber that's reshaping how we experience essential oils. With a commitment to sustainability and effectiveness, AromaWeave™ stands out with its biodegradable nature and unique ability to deliver consistent, long-lasting aromas. Join us as we delve into the science, sustainability, and sensory delight of AromaWeave™, and see how it's setting new standards in the world of aromatherapy.

"At NATPAT, it's not just about products; it's about a way of life. We're here to bring you a kinder, more fun, and totally natural approach to feeling great. Join us in this journey towards a happier, healthier you!"

Hey there! At NATPAT, we're all about unlocking the superhero potential in every kiddo. We totally get it, right? Kids have their ups and downs, from mood swings that could rival any soap opera to those nights when they just won't hit the hay. And let's be honest, us parents could use a little help steering the ship sometimes.

In this fast-paced world where popping a pill seems like the go-to, we thought, “Hey, why not take a step back and give Mother Nature a high five?” Sure, meds have their place (no shade there!), but why not start with something a bit more chill?

Enter our secret weapon: stickers! But not just any stickers. These little guys are like a comforting hug from your favorite essential oils. They've been around for ages and trust us, they’re not just old wives' tales. Science gives them a big thumbs up too!

Next time you're wandering down those drugstore aisles, remember our mantra: “Start with a sticker.” Our stickers are more than just a pretty face. They're packed with nature's goodness and are an absolute hit with the kids. It's like sneaking veggies into their favorite meal – they'll love them, and you'll love knowing you're choosing something gentle and effective.

At NATPAT, we’re doing more than just selling something cool.We’re all about bringing smiles, health, and a bit of nature’s magic into your family's life. Here’s to making well-being fun, natural, and full of joy! 🌿✨🌟

At NATPAT, we’re doing more than just selling something cool. We’re all about bringing smiles, health, and a bit of nature’s magic into your family's life. Here’s to making well-being fun, natural, and full of joy! 🌿✨🌟

Carly Kool

We use your product all the time, not just on our daughter but my husband and I use them too! It’s so nice to be able to use a product that simply sticks on to an item of clothing instead of a cream or spray. Plus my daughter and I are, let’s just say, very appealing to mosquitoes and will consistently get bites. When we are wearing buzz patches I never worry about bites, the most I have ever gotten is one bite!